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Ukiepedia, powered by Ukie

Welcome to Ukiepedia, a shared industry resource collating facts, stats and other useful information about the UK and global games industry.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for anything else we could add to Ukiepedia, please submit it via the Ukiepedia Submission Form.


Due to the current Coronavirus situation, Ukiepedia is temporarily collating a range of games industry relevant resources, support and other content in relation to the outbreak. We will endeavour to keep these as up to date as possible, but please continue to refer to official sources for the latest information.

UK Industry

Global Industry

Demographics & Diversity

Education & Skills

International Markets

Other Helpful Resources

About This Wiki & How To Get Involved

Ukiepedia is maintained and moderated by the Ukie team.

If you're interested in contributing to Ukiepedia, you can either submit ideas and suggestions via the Ukiepedia Submission Form, or contact Luke Hebblethwaite at [email protected] or @ukieluke.